New Jersey Early Care and Education Alliance is a volunteer member organization established in January, 2010 and open to all groups to address the needs of the early care and education community.
Our organizational mission is to provide a forum to review, respond to and educate others on legislative and policy matters that impact our state.
The purpose of the Alliance is to address issues that affect the well-being of early childhood education, early care professionals, children and families throughout New Jersey.
The New Jersey Early Care and Education Alliance presents and recognizes individuals for the Aletha R. Wright Award for Excellence in Early Care and Education. ARW nomination form
In honor of Marcia Bennett and her steadfast efforts in promoting professional development, the NJ ECE Alliance established an annual scholarship in her name. This scholarship is available by application to any early childhood professional that meets the criteria. Please click here to review the criteria or complete an application.
Scholarship testimonials: W. Sanders, "I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to the NJ ECE Alliance for making this scholarship available. The financial assistance is a great help in paying for my educational expenses which allows me time to focus more on my studies."
S. Keyes, "I am on cloud nine! What a wonderful day and a beautiful program. I meant what I said, I am so humbled! Again the Alliance Rock! I look forward to seeing you all at the next scholarship program. Many thanks!
There is no place for racism and inequality in humanity. We are all human and in order to thrive need to feel accepted as individuals. The New Jersey Early Care and Education Alliance respects group differences in race, culture, class, gender, religion, and background. We are all more than the group to which we belong. We are also part of the human race and a larger humanity.
Copyright (c)2012 New Jersey Early Care and Education Alliance